04 19 10 Nerf This
If I had to use the word gin mill, moxie, and hussy all in one day, I’d sure try my best to make sure a turtle wielding a rapier was in my company.
If I had to use the word gin mill, moxie, and hussy all in one day, I’d sure try my best to make sure a turtle wielding a rapier was in my company.
I am going to call someone a wet gin mill hussy tomorrow and not a single living soul can prevent me from doing so.
I can see a board/drinking game with the soul purpose being to insult the other players with creative combos.
Things like this follow the same method of the Quantum Fetish Theory. If you dream it up, it exists.
Unfortunately there are exceptions to rule 34. Who would have thought that naked laser tag didn’t exist?
damn rule 34, everyone always has a thing for that 😉
I was just reading a webcomic with strip laser tag in it, does that count? Its out there…
I already do this with my friends regardless of our activities. It’s a good time. ;D
i would play the shit out of that game
Joe, do it for me, I’m sue I would lack the candor that you have 😉
Bitches wish they had this candor baby.
Sir, I tip my hat to your awesomeness. Sooooo cute!!! 😀
thank you miss! I don’t think i deserve kind words such as those, but i do try for cuteness on occasion 🙂
That must be the shadow man there in the background. Creeeepyyyyy, I wonder what he’ll do. *excited*(as always)
ooooo Nice catch! I saw that out of the corner of my eye, but couldn’t really figure out what it was.
hopefully i can get the guy looking somewhat menacing 🙂
I kind of liked how cute he looked when you first introduced him, when he tried to smile. It was almost cuddle-worthy aside from the douchebaggedness.
This one! =]
this sir has made my night you have the moxie of a great artist!
If you have to use those words all in one day, you sir have just had an EPIC day.
said “wielding” and I totally read it as “welding.” and was then really confused for about three minutes. just thought everyone would like to know.
hey, if a turtle could wield a rapier, what’s to say he (or she) couldn’t weld one?
the problem was that I looked at the picture and saw no welding happening and I couldn’t figure out where Scott came up with the welding part.
Seems like you’ve got a new pen! Good work, man 🙂
I wonder if the person in background is REALLY the shadow man…
Well, ya know… He has a shadow… 😛 I think he is, he’s pretty dark for broad daylight.
I did get a new pen finally, and thanks for the kind words 🙂 And that is indeed the shadow man
I would buy a shirt with that insult on it, it’d be awesome!
The animals on this comic are always so delightfully dapper