wow, i really love your coloring. I just saw your tweet on #webcomic, so this is my first time checking your strip out, but it’s really grabbed me. Keep up the good work!
This Arc was pretty awesome, Scott. It had it all. Vibrators, funny background stuff, a hilarious yet solid story and character development, sweet new character design, a retardedly cute gentlemen’s battle (Which I think among all of it was my favorite…. yeah definitely) Annnnnnnnnd I’m just now noticing Taryn’s Get Up Kids shirt.
Freakin’ awesome. You really raised the bar. (As we’ve spoken about before, it just keeps evolving)
Ok, this is really cool, but I have one thing to say – is that CHASE’S hand on Taryn’s shoulder? His arm doesn’t look like it’s in the right position for that.
That’s Quackington! ;D
He looks alright! Look at those energetic X shaped eyes!
Mother fucker is dead, accept it. :]
I’m…I’m sure he’s okay…right, Scott? D:
yeah… he’s alright, just sleeping in midair again, damn little vagrant.
Yay! ^^
….but…. he’s okay, right?
what i would give to have chases life
i agree, i’d be rather pleased to have a monster participating in a gentleman’s battle 🙂
Everything is explained now!
wow, i really love your coloring. I just saw your tweet on #webcomic, so this is my first time checking your strip out, but it’s really grabbed me. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Zac! I’m really glad to hear you like Nerf This, and it really means to a lot to hear that 🙂
I second the coloring…
But now I can’t look at my Monty and Quackington screen saver without hysterically sobbing…
In all honesty, I would be more freaked out by touching a girl’s sex toys than I would be seeing a duck in a top hat fly out a window.
I don’t think I’d be freaked out by the sex toys. Probably because I’m a girl. But I’d check to see if the duck was alright.
I have a feeling that the sex toys arc is over but quackinton vs monty is not…so get up quackington and fight the good fight
This Arc was pretty awesome, Scott. It had it all. Vibrators, funny background stuff, a hilarious yet solid story and character development, sweet new character design, a retardedly cute gentlemen’s battle (Which I think among all of it was my favorite…. yeah definitely) Annnnnnnnnd I’m just now noticing Taryn’s Get Up Kids shirt.
Freakin’ awesome. You really raised the bar. (As we’ve spoken about before, it just keeps evolving)
Oh and to add about the gentlemen’s battle, I think it was a perfect touch that Quackington wasn’t reallythe “bad guy” per se.
<3 this comic xD
Man I just need my own little Monty and I’d be pretty close to being Chase. 😛
Oh my God! He killed Quackington!
You bastard!
Goose for supper tonight!
Ok, this is really cool, but I have one thing to say – is that CHASE’S hand on Taryn’s shoulder? His arm doesn’t look like it’s in the right position for that.