03 03 10
I hopefully conveyed the sheer fright that poor duck has. I am working on some new tee designs so I made one of my designs a vote incentive (this is a draft of course), so vote to check it out 🙂
I hopefully conveyed the sheer fright that poor duck has. I am working on some new tee designs so I made one of my designs a vote incentive (this is a draft of course), so vote to check it out 🙂
I love professor Quackington duck <3
he does have a bit of sass for being in a dire situation
This isn’t going to end well for the Professor, is it?
givin Monty’s track record I’d say not 😉
hmm. didn’t think so.
is there any way we can get a wallpaper of the last panel?
I’ll make it the vote incentive for tonight 🙂
You sir, are rad as hell.
Awww Monty has a new snack…erm.. friend! ^.^;
Will he make another messed up love child like the municorn?
unfortunately that is a mallard of integrity, not some hussy 😉
I. Invented. Sharks.
I adore it!
well then I better find a screen printer 🙂
The professor is screaming, “I need an adult!” isn’t he?
its nothing i’m just betting the professor just wants to keep is and montys relationship professional and he’s probably yelling “show some class my dear boy for gods sake”
That… That’s /adorable/.
that last panel is precious
thank you 🙂 I need to convey some “snuggliness” every now and then
also, have you done that thing of all the sketches monty drew as a desktop yet? did i miss that somehow?
You did miss it, BUT you can get it here 🙂
Hmmm a duck, trust slowly being rebuilt. I want a Monty hug…
HOORAY a new character. But I don’t see this ending to well for our ducky little friend.
Get over it. Flamer!
Flamer? is that all you got. Your first attack on me in months and all you can come up with is “Flamer” I am very dissapointed. =(
Lulz, what’s the framed picture in the back in the second panel of? Looks like a scary-cartooned-out Monty.
And hey, how did Chase come to procure a duck from a park? That’d be the more important question…
That picture is just some sketch I did of something… maybe villainous? And I would imagine Chase used the same tactic seen here 😉
I… I don’t think I can love that last panel any more then I do right now.
It would be well to be my background, like Joe said.
I made it a wallpaper 🙂 and thank you!
So how can one obtain said wallpaper if the vote incentive has been changed? Hmmm? Because I am in love with Professor Quackington Duck!
…..isnt that a goose?
“Lord High Dinky Doo, Agent 00Q has successfully gained the enemy’s confidence. Still awaiting word on how he handles the demonling.”