Shopping List
Alright, this strip might be slightly exaggerated, I actually didn’t need bread. OH, Scout Crossing updated 🙂
I’m going to try and stream tonight, but my internet has been horridly glitchy, one of the perks of living in the deep woods. Keep an eye on the FB Fanpage and Twitter 🙂
I give these people a ride for their money constantly. This is hilarious!
Your other chickens must be so very jealous of Hussy!
I think there’s a bubble goof in panel 2.
Agreed. I re-read the comic a couple times to see if maybe it was just me. :/
I think the bitches are in the aisle between the meat and the cat food.
Is it just me or is that a cock rocket goin “vvrroooooooom” on the right side of his list?
Also, Stegosauri are only available via special order at Whole Foods during leap years last time I checked.
Nope. You have that right. Unless we’re playing Death to Smoochy.
Is it just me or is the bubble in the second panel pointing to the wrong person?
Yup. Panel 2
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! well that’s either a dick rocket or my mind is in the gutter. and you have to special order bitches, at least you do if you want classy bitches
I’m pretty sure that’s a doodle of a cock.
Hey, we all drawn cocks at some point.
I hope he has the fifties to go with those bitches.
Her face in the last panel….
Wouldn’t the stegosaurus be in a pet shop?
Nice Dick Rocket, Scott. lol 😛
When you find out where to buy top hats in south eastern Pennsylvania, please let me know.
I don’t know how likely it would be to find a top hat there, but the Bollman Hat Factory Outlet in Adamstown has good prices for quality hats.
What? No jerky? Meh, you probably got an account with the supplier.
You should be able to pick up that other stuff at a Costco or something like that (stegosaurs are special order, I believe. Just leave a $50,000,000 deposit, and the other $4.95 billion will be deducted once it arrives).
Scott, what happened to the fourth comic you were making last year?
Now, I can’t be certain, but my guess would be that Scott’s life happened to it. And by “happened to,” I mean drunkenly came on to, berated, wrote poems in honor of, and went cattle-tipping with before gang-stabbing in the face.
I think the chat bubble in the second panel is going the wrong way
I don’t know. Maybe if this were depicting some other layabout, but I would not be surprised to find this conversation was entirely fueled by one party after the poor salesgirl tried taking initiative.
ha, 1 stegosaurus.
i love the cock rocket.
SCOTT speech bubble in panel 2 is going to the wrong person and drunk me thinks you must know this now.