Dealing with Peeps
My parents bought baby chicks for their farm…Β twenty five or them. Β I found that that these things are like visual heroin for me.
Sorry about this being a journal comic for Friday, freelance was hectic (which is becoming a trend for Friday) so I’m really sorry for that, everything will resume on Monday π
In other news, Denis from LAWLS and Ali from Rob the Bot have completely revamped our collective’s site, and even made a fan page, so if you read more than one of our comics, this is a good feed to follow. Β Hope you all have an awesome weekend, boxing animals with horns counts as awesome.
Oh my that face.. it just makes me want to snuggle so badly.
In all honestly, I’m a bit of an animal lover, since growing up in the country has somewhat warped me, like snuggling copperheads and rattlesnakes.
I love animals a lot too. Although I think being from arizona I wouldn’t want to snuggle a rattler or copperhead π
Me too! Reptiles are my favorite, because I think I not-so-secretly like the apathy.
I Lol’d
so, Collective. Y’all the Borg? Weeell, I submit to my new cybernetic overlords. π
its a good looking webpage too. I had no clue you all were so “close” π
Haha we all are fairly close, I talk to Joenis and Joe from Journalin multiple times a day, and Ali has been friends with Joenis for years.
TNP is finally attending a very large conventions too, so I hope we become some all knowing entity, like a queen ant, but with less larvae laying π
I am inclined to be gracious if bribed with more pictures of Great Danes. The thoroughly adorable comic doesn’t hurt either.
haha, I may have to include him a lot more then… but this time with a giant sweater.
Hahaha! Oh my gosh, that’s the cutest little chick I’ve ever seen! I wanna snuggle too!
I am a complete victim of adorably cute things, if anyone tried to hunt me, all they would have to do is tape a peep to a cup of coffee, and set it in a cage.
… i would so be in that cage.
I usually consider blow drying my hair equivalent to wrestling a bear. I’ll just draw horns on the mirror. Just so my weekend will be awesome because I wouldn’t want to let you down, Scott.
Also I think my eyes ate the space around them when I saw all those fluffy baby chickens. So. Effing. Cute.
haha, I HOPE you draw horns, that way danger can look you in the eyes in your most private moments! I’m doing this later, as soon as i find that mirror marker i had.
“Mirror marker” being man for lipstick/eyeliner you found on the floor? Or do you really own such a thing as a mirror marker?
I think you handled the situation as well as anybody.
I would hope so, I thought I was more grizzled emotionally… until peeps came into my life.
I almost want to hold all of them at the same time and see if I die.
Sadly enough, pet chickens is a life long dream. Im a person wrecked with envy at the moment.
the price was pretty affordable, I think they got 25 for 35.00? Personally, I’d be happy if I had a farm of baby falcons… I would make them get EVERYTHING.
Heroin is the drug, heroine is a female hero =]
that is officially the 2nd time I made that grave error, I’ll need to fix this malarkey immediately.
Thank you for letting me know π
Unless you’re talking about Twilight where the two have been combined.
Both Skunk Anansie and Agent 51 have songs named “She’s my Heroine” that play off this homonym – different songs with the same title; I like the Agent 51 song better…
They’re adorable now, but when they grow up they’ll turn into insufferable jerks like all birds. Except birds of prey, they’re born awesome and stay awesome.
I know what you mean, when I hold one and put it on my shoulder, it’s really hard to pretend it’s a bald eagle.
Just wondering, where you going to make a wallpaper from the last one of Scott’s adventure?
I did make one, I posted it a few days back, and it’s here π
He’s in Stage 3 Flannel….::sniff:: he’s…he’s a goner…::bawls::
I’ve witnessed this first hand, and there was so much nuzzling and intimate pillow talk that I had to look away.
Oh my gosh! My parents want chickens, yet despite my reasoning they continue… maybe I’ll have to pull something like this… π
Sorry? Sorry for what? I think that every Friday should be a journal comic.
Peep…peepeepeepeepeepeeepeep… peep peep peep peep peep… Ohmygawd. I’ve always wanted to hold a cutie lil chikie like that >_< I'm so jealous~
I think Friday’s should be journal comic day…but that’s just me
I’m currently rockin’ your RoflWaffles wallpaper and I feel the need to announce that I will just curl up and die if I can’t get that last panel as a wallpaper.
can’t blame you for that, men digs chicks and chicks dig giant robots,
those are the ways of the universe
“dig” sorry, IN B4 GRAMMAR NAZI !
My mom works for a company that’s a branch of Charles Rivers Laboratories and her division raises chickens that they use to make vaccines and stuff. Anyway, she works in a giant like chicken house thing and she just got a new hatch of birds and she told me there were like 8500 new chicks she just got!
I am going to kill you now.
Kill you for your chicks.
Their fuzziness will be mine.
Don’t worry, I’m also going to turn you into a corpse reanimated by dark magics so that the comics don’t stop.
But the chicks will be mine.
Oh god, I know how you feel.
We just HATCHED some baby chickies, and they’re goddamn adorable.
Noisy, though. And fantastically fat.
this is my favorite journal comic of yours xD
The chick looks scared of the lust in your eyes!! Don’t rape animals, they are for petting and not that kind of petting!!
so this is the elegid otehr webcoms you have…these clips were in nerf this but whatever there funny